We are thankful to God for the very generous givers of our church. Many of our congregation give their time and talent through volunteering by presenting, playing music, or lending their abilities to assist with with audio-visual technology. Another way people give in our church is with their a finances.

Financial Giving
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently not collecting a physical offering during our Sunday evening services. Instead, we encourage you to consider giving online through direct transfer, if you do not do so already. Every dollar you give, helps MCC Brisbane share Jesus love with those who really need it, particularly during this time.

Our Account Details
Account Name: MCC Brisbane
BSB: 124 – 005
Account No: 23233078
Description: 'tithe' OR ‘offering'

We thank God and the givers of our church, whether that be the time they give, the talents they offer, or the money that is donated. We pray that we are good stewards of these gifts.


Last updated Nov 2023